A Complete Guide To Euthanizing A Cat With Kidney Failure in 2025

by | Jan 24, 2025 | Cats | 0 comments

one of the toughest, most heartbreaking choices you, as a pet owner can ever have is to decide when new put down your cat suffering from kidney failure. They shower us with love, snuggle us, stand by our side and the mere thought of saying goodbye to them is truly frightening. Understanding the signs and stages of kidney failure, and when it might be time to say goodbye can help you navigate this challenging journey with patience and clarity. A long post related to cats dying of kidney failure, what symptoms to look for, the decision process, and personal experiences to hopefully provide comfort & insight.

Cats and Renal Failure — What You Need to Know:

This means the cat’s kidneys can no longer filter waste products from the blood effectively due to primary, most likely renal (or kidney), failure. The kidneys play a critical role in health because they are responsible for fluid balance, blood pressure, and electrolytes. If the balance gets disrupted and they their breakdown, it leads to excessive toxins in the body leading to serious health problems causing both/all.

Types of Kidney Failure:

In cats, kidney failure can be divided into two types.

1) Acute Kidney Failure (AKF): A sudden type that may occur from dehydration, consumption of toxins (such as antifreeze), and severe infections AKF is typically reversible if caught early.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): CKD is a gradually developing issue that occurs slowly over several months or years, and often affects older felines. Although CKD isn’t curable, treatment and lifestyle changes can manage it.

Causes of Kidney Failure

Less common causes of kitty kidney failure are:

Chronic Kidney Disease: The most prevalent type in older cats, characterized by a slow decrease of kidney function.

Acute Kidney Injury: The kidneys get rapidly damaged by toxins, dehydration or infection.

Breed and genetic predisposition: breeds such as Persians and Abyssinians may be more likely to have kidney issues.

High blood pressure can damage your kidneys over time.

Recurrent urinary tract infections — Repeated infections can cause bladder problems.

A Complete Guide To Euthanizing A Cat With Kidney Failure in 2025
A Complete Guide To Euthanizing A Cat With Kidney Failure in 2025 image source

Symptoms of Kidney Failure:

Identifying signs of kidney failure is important so that it Is treated on time. Common symptoms include:

Increased thirst and urination — Cats with kidney failure often drink more water than usual, and urinate more frequently too.

Unexplained loss of weight can be indicative of ill health.

Reduced Appetite: Loss of enthusiasm in eating habbits, or perhaps upsetting to consume.

Lethargy: Your kitty may appear more lethargic than usual or less active.

Xenobiotics present in the human body can also trigger GI upset which might exhibit as: Vomiting & diarrhea

Bad breath: A pungent and unpleasant smell can emerge which is referred to as “uremic breath.”

Fur Problems: The coat may appear dull or shaggy.

Neurologic symptoms if kidney disease progresses: Seizures or Disorientation

The Emotions Of Caring For A Cat With Kidney Failure:

Well as a pet parent of a cat – the sight of your little one fighting against kidney failure can be devastating! Your cat relationship is unique, combining fun with fluff and cuddles. But in the reality of actually living with illness you ride the rollercoaster highs and lows of sadness and guilt, helplessness, etc.

My Story as a total cry: 😪

Which of course summons my own, similar experience, having Lucy at 12 diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. She was a scrappy, snoopy, bouncy little thing. Finding out about her diagnosis was one of my darkest days. I was mourning the death of her and what it meant to lose her even though she was still breathing.

It was initially controlled with a special diet and vet visits, by us & our vet. So Lucy is okay, pretty darn OK and for a while I convinced myself that maybe we could prolong her quality of life. But through that process, I saw the signs that she was actually not getting any better. The light and glimmering playfulness that she carried around started to dim, as the truth of her sickness continued to lay over her.

How do I know when to put a cat with kidney failure to sleep:

When you decide whether you will euthanize the cat with chronic renal failure or not, really important one is determination of that cat’s quality of life. To help you with this decision, here are four key factors:

Assess Quality of Life:

QOL is one of the most critical factors in knowing when to let your kitty go. You have questions that you should ask yourself.

Is your cat in pain? : When your kitty feels pain that cannot be treated and your vet has recommended palliative care+ more बारिशा.

Can your cat eat and drink? If Your Cat Has No Appetite/Not Eating or Drinking — Reason #4: This is an indication that it might be time for your cat to say goodbye to this world.

Can your cat just go about his normal business? When your cat can no longer groom themselves, use the litter box or play with their favorite toys, it’s probably a sign that life has lost its charm.

Question: My cat vomits or has diarrhea regularly. Answer: Yes, if you get dehydrated from your chronic GI problems then it can make you more sick.

Monitor Behavioral Changes:

With kidney failure, you will be able to watch your cat’s behavior change as she gets weaker. When It Is Necessary To Practice Euthanization

Excessive Sleeping: If the cat sleeps all day long and has no interest in spending time with you, or he has an issue communicating with you, then it means that something is wrong in regards to its health.

Withdrawn: A withdrawn cat is one who will often hide away from the family and does not seem interested in being with their family.

Signs of Discomfort: If your cat is walking around, meowing or any signs that is showing he/she in pain and/or discomfort.

Consult with Your Veterinarian:

Your vet is a professional that can help you through these hard times. Another resource for understanding how your kitten is feeling and their quality of life is your veterinary professionals. Consider the following:

Discuss Treatment Options: Discuss your vet the treatment options and if these work well Okay, knowing what may be done enables you to make the right decision.

Ask About Prognosis: A vet is experienced in giving prognosis updates and can help you understand your kitty’s prognosis very honestly, along with what to expect weeks or months later on.

Ask for Palliative Care: Hand of Life: If your feline is not yet prepared to walk over the Rainbow Bridge, find out what palliative care (medications to help alleviate any symptoms they may be having).

Trust Your Instincts:

You know your cat inside-out as a pet owner. You Know What To Do — Listen To Your Gut, And Follow Your Heart If you believe your animals quality of life has become drastically compromised, euthanasia may have to be given.

The Euthanasia Process:

Should your vet feel that human euthanasia is the best option for your kitty, you will want to know what comes next. This knowledge certainly knocks away some of the apprehension and fear surrounding it.

Choosing a Location:

You Can Decide Whether or Not to Get the surgery Done at the Vet Office — Or Even In The House While the vet may euthanize a pet in a private room or exam room, other cat owners may want to have their feline companion put to sleep at home where they feel more relaxed and comfortable. Discuss this option with your vet.

Preparing for the Appointment:

On the days leading up to your appointment, take time to honour your cat and all of the memories you shared. Create a special space for them with you at the end. Pack a blanket, their favorite toy or some other treat to assist in making them comfortable.

The Euthanasia Procedure:

Because your cat will be undergoing a procedure, the vet will give some kind of sedative. When the pets are relaxed, euthanasia solution will be administered in their bodies which immediately and painlessly makes their hearts stop. It only takes a few minutes to do all of this, and it does not have to hurt your cat.

Saying Goodbye:

Perhaps the hardest part of the entire process is during the end, when you have to say goodbye to your beloved pet. Grant Yourself Your Emotions and Grant Yourself Goodbye Maybe you want to hold your cat close, speak to him, or be in silence during those final moments.

Coping with Grief After Loss:

It is not easy to let yourself grieve—after all, the decision to terminate the life of a cat with renal failure came from you. The passing away of a pet can be amongst the most significant events in our life and it is completely fine to experience all types of emotions.

Allow Yourself to Grieve:

Recognize that your sadness is understandable, and is just a step in the process of recovering Let yourself feel whatever need you have to — sadness, anger, guilt etc. Or, another way to say it,experience these emotions as if they were washing over you unfiltered!

Seek Support:

Reach out to those who understand. Go to your friends and family who understood how special you were, your cat was. At this tough time talking about your little feelings or sharing memories might help.

Create a Memorial:

Consider constructing a memorial in your cat to immortalize him. Like, A memory album, An art, A mini garden in their memory. Knowing that you have something tangible to remember your cat by may assist you in getting through the mourning period.

Join a Support Group:

Facilities like these pet loss support groups have given the right direction to numerous needy but lost souls. When you are dealing with loss, meeting someone else who has gone through the same or is going through similar losses as your own, can make you feel validated in your feelings.

Moving Forward After Loss:

Maybe, with time, the hole where your cat used to be stops aching. Here are a few tips to help you get around the recovery process

Frequently Asked Questions About Cat with Kidney Failure

How fast can kidney disease progress in cats?
The progression rate varies, but chronic kidney disease can progress slowly over months or years, while acute kidney failure can develop suddenly within hours or days
What are the symptoms of end stage kidney failure in cats?
Symptoms include anorexia, vomiting, weight loss, lethargy, confusion, changes in behavior, uncontrolled urination or defecation, and seizures
What is the life expectancy of a cat with kidney disease?
The life expectancy varies depending on the stage, but with proper treatment, cats can live for approximately three years or more
How do you comfort a cat with kidney failure?
Comfort can be provided through pain management, a special diet, and a stress-free environment, and it’s essential to work closely with a veterinarian to ensure the cat’s quality of life

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