As a dog owner, nothing can be more shocking than discovering that your beloved fur baby has taken to eating poop (or pooping out of other dogs) – which is coprophagia. While troubling, this is a behavior that many pet owners must deal with – prompting the question of how to stop dog from eating poop home remedy style.(8 Best Home Remedies to Prevent Dog From Eating Its Own Poop) If you know how to follow up on this behavior, applying solutions can help solve the problem. We will delve into the nature of this dirty dog behavior with different home remedies and some experiences.
Table of Contents

Understanding Coprophagia
Explaining the poop problem — why do dogs eat dog poop? Fine, before we move onto the solutions, things need to be clear first. Why do dogs eat poop? Thus, the reasons they eat dung: Coprophagia has many reasons:
Dietary Deficiencies: One of the explanations why canine eat feces is deficiencies of their diet plan. This is a common behavior in puppies who are still deciding what counts as food.
Natural Behavior: Dogs normally eat their puppies stools to clean the area and to prevent predators from smelling them. That instinct might have also carried over into the domesticated dogs.
Anxiety / Stress: If your dog is afraid or has anxiety, they may eat poop catastrophically to cope with their feelings. The environment can, for example (a new place you move to,new animal comes in etc) trigger this behavior.
Admit it: At the best of times, and when they get bored, some dogs are going to exhibit behaviors we would prefer they weren’t (such as coprophagia). The Things Bored Dogs Will Try — Including Poop
Craving Attention: If their poop munching is performed when you are in view, your dog may be asking for attention and (good or bad) focus.
These are the reasons as to why they act how they do, and these can help you deal with the behavior correctly.
Some Home remedies to Stop Puppies1/Elder Dogs2 From Eating Their/Other Dogs Stool – Dogassistant
So, knowing the poop-eating habits of dogs, lets find out some easy home remedies to prevent poop eating. No two dog are the same so it will take a bit of trial and error to see what your pooch responds best too.
Improve Diet Quality:
Making sure your dog has a proper, healthy diet is the first step in preventing them from eating poop. Coprophagia can be caused by a poor diet. Personal Note: I rescued my dog Bella and from the day we brought her home, we learned that she was a poop eater. After speaking with my vet(they have specialists who deal specifically with Nutrition and Behavior)I changed her onto a vitamin/mineral (or supplements for me with vet direction) within weeks she stopped having a desire to consume feces.
Add Digestive Enzymes:
Digestive enzymes will provide additional digestive help, and they could also reduce coprophagia or stool eating by ensuring that more nutrients are absorbed from processed food. These enzymes aid in the digestion and breakdown of food, allowing your pet to absorb nutrients properly. Digestive Enzyme Supplements: Found wherever your pets are sold, digestive enzyme supplements give your pet the extra digestive support they need that you just can’t get them to eat themselves. Refer to the dosage list according to your dogs weight and size.
Use Sensory-Aversion Method:
Dogs are discouraged by unpleasant flavors. You will keep them away by adding something unpalatable to the poop material. Home Recipe:
Mix 1 cup water with a tbsp of hot sauce, vinegar (vinegar cleaner) or citrus juice. Once your dog takes their poop, just spray this mixture lightly on it. That taste may stop them from nipping into it.
Use Commercial Products:
It is also very popular in commercial categories to prevent dogs from eating poop. Most of these products contain additives that make poop unappetizing to dogs. Tip 2: Look for Products with Yucca Schidigera or Parsley to Break the Cycle of Coprophagia Please read the instructions and always consult your veterinarian before using any of these products.
Keep the Yard Clean
The best and easiest way to prevent your dog from eating poop is by cleaning your yard regularly. Pick up after the dog and instant poop removal Hint To Self: I now take a little carrier bag out with me when walking or playing in the garden. This way I can clean after my dog in seconds and it eliminates her ability to practice coprophagia.
Increase Daily Movement and Exercise the Brain
Boredom/boreed comes from underused body, and like all creatures (including us!) and then they get into these crazy behaviors that no animal really wants to partake in ie eating poop. It may help to increase exercise and mental stimulation which reduces this behavior (this also helps in an insufficiency of resource guarding or reactivity). Activities to Try:
Daily Walks: Take you and your dog on a walk/jog for at least 30 minutes every day.
Puzzle Toys: You can also get your dog some puzzle toys that make them think and engage mentally.
Regular training sessions not only keep your dog mentally stimulated but also help strengthen the bond you have with them.
Address Anxiety and Stress:
If you think your dog is eating poop for anxiety or stress reasons, then focus on those too! Techniques to Consider:
Create a Fire-Proof Environment: Create a specific place in your home which serves as the quiet zone for your dog to retreat when they begin feeling anxious.
Calming Products: There are calming collars or calming sprays you can purchase that usually consist of natural ingredients like lavender or chamomile.
Training With Positivity:
Free training can be done through positive reinforcement Positive reinforcement→ Positive reinforcement →Positive reinforcement is simple in helping train Coprophagia Encourage to not approach poop at all with a decently reward if you notice that your dog is ignoring poop. Training Steps:
As your dog nears poop, use their name to get them back on track with you.
When they stop looking at the poop and look at you, reward them with a treat and praise.
Repeat this process multiple times for repetition of the behavior reinforcement.
My Life Lesson: This was exactly the technique that I used when I trained my dog Max. So when we went for walks I made sure to counter each poop with a treat and praise. But in the end, he had to tune it out so that he could listen to me.
Consult a Veterinarian:
If your canine displays the practice of coprophagia and you experience exhausted all the distinct treatments, you’re going to ought to contact your veterinarian. Perhaps there are health and wellbeing concerns or some behavior problems that need to be worked on. Why: A veterinarian is the best person to give your dog a full physical and narrow down things that may be going wrong medically, and explain various methods used in science to help prevent coprophagia from happening.
Heart to Heart: The Way Change Comes About:
The road to dog coprophagia recovery rarely travels in a straight line. I did get a bit annoyed though, particularly when I’d tried everything possible and Bella still continued to eat poop from the garden. However, that was a process happening over years – patience & habit and love. Changes to her diet after weeks of training one day she just started sniffing the poop but not eating it. My heart swelled with pride! It was a baby step in my win, that changed me for will need persistence and time to grow up.
Ultimate solutions to make dog not eat poop by home remedy–understanding behavior, correcting your dog’s diet, and common tricks. Here is a guide that will arm you with the tools needed to prevent your pet from doing this, and both of them will feel much better. Your two best friends in this journey are patience and consistency. Always put your dog first and recognize and celebrate the small wins! A dog in your life means a great life, and that can only happen by putting the poop eating habit to rest with a little time and love. Happy training!